Stone Creek Murder Mystery

By Die Laughing Productions (other events)

2 Dates Through Jul 09, 2016

Die Laughing Productions presents, “The Newly Dead Game.” This hilarious whodunit Murder Mystery Comedy Show is one third scripted, one third improv, one third audience participation and 100% funny.  You’re at a TV taping of the popular game show Clash of the Couples; a show where couples compete for cash and prizes. One couple will win it all and one contestant will lose more than the game, they’ll lose their life. 
The show is written and performed by professional stand up comedians and stars Improv and Funny Bone Comedy Club favorites Rob Maher and Tommy Sinbazo.  However, the real stars of the show are you the audience. Some of you will get to play parts in the show and all of you will guess who the murderer is. Guess right and you could win something new and shiny. Guess wrong and you’ll live with the shame and despair forever. 

Eat. Drink. Laugh. Solve a murder.